Monday, October 27, 2014

Basilica Of Bom Jesus

The Basilica of Bom Jesus is Located in Old Goa, India. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The foundation stone was laid on 24th November 1594, and completed on 15th May 1605. It was raised to the status of a minor Basilica in 1946 and is considered to be one of the best examples of Baroque architecture in Goa. The church is called “Bom Jesus” meaning ‘good Jesus’ or ‘infant Jesus’ to whom it is dedicated. The Basilica holds the mortal remains of St. Francis Xavier in Goa.

St. Xavier's quest took him to Malacca and then the Molucca Islands, Amboyna, Ternate, Baranura, and the island of Mindanao, Philippines. He met a Japanese man called Anger and baptized him in Goa. He arrived in Japan in 1549 and began preaching. After three years, he returned to Goa. Thereafter, St. Xavier left for China where he fell ill en- route. With his aggravated condition, he was offloaded at Sancian where a make shift hut had been built to shelter him. Here, he breathed his last.
It is said that the following year when the body of the saint was being transferred to Goa as per his wishes, the people were shocked to find his body fresh as ever. This was claimed to be a miracle and his body was preserved in an air tight coffin made of glass and placed inside a silver casket. Every year thousands of devotees visit the Basilica of Bom Jesus on 2nd December to see the mortal remains of the saint that is displayed publicly. Now, the practice has been stopped to prevent the body from deterioration.

The Basilica of Bom Jesus is one of the richest churches in Goa and also all over India and a renowned pilgrimage site of Christians. It is covered with marble flooring and inlaid with precious stones. Except for the elaborately gilded altars, the interior of the church is simple. The church houses paintings of St. Francis Xavier. In fact the Tomb of St. Francis Xavier (1696) was the gift of the last of the Medicis, Cosimo III, the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Carved by a 17th century Florentine sculptor, named Giovanni Batista Foggini, it took 10 years to complete. The casket containing his body is made of silver. The holy relics of the saint are displayed every 10 years on the anniversary of his death.

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